About Air Filtration
Air is essential for the survival of mankind. Only slight changes in its combination will make it useless for humans and animals. While being exposed to atmospheric pressure, the intake of air containing less than 12 percent oxygen as well as more than five percent carbon dioxide is dangerous to living beings. Over a longer period of time, changes in the mixture of air might have a profound impact on health.
Humans use up about 30 liters of oxygen per hour. Hence, our need for air is likewise small: 150 liter/h or 0.15 m³/h. However, because we also produce carbon dioxide our body requires about 5 m³/h of fresh air in order to keep the amount of carbon dioxide below a life-threatening level. When installing an air conditioning (AC) system it is sufficient to determine the amount of air needed. It will usually be set at 15 - 20 m³ per person and hour. However, larger volumes of air might be necessary for managing warmth and cold or draw off polluted air.
Keeping the air clean of dust and aerosols is not only important for maintaining buildings and their interior, it also guarantees healthy inhabitants and their well being.
How filters work
Air filter are used to extract particles out of airflows entering ventilation systems as well as contaminated or polluted air, e.g. in nuclear power plants, laboratories and isolation wards. Lately, air filter are also commonly found in industrial processes, in high-tech areas, or other applications with low occurrences of dust. Not considering carbon filters – which are used to absorb gas and odor – filters are classified as follows: Coarse dust filter, fine dust and high efficiency filter, HEPA-, and ULPA-filter. They are classified due to their filter media, it‘s particle holding capacity, as well as the effect used for absorbing – hence, due to their area of application. Furthermore, there are electro filters, which work on the electrostatic level. However, these filters play only a minor part in the field of ventilation technology due to reasons of safety and costs of ownership.
Here we concentrate on fibre based filters because most of our products base on such. The filter's ability to retain particles depends on physical and mechanical characteristics such as diffusion, interception, impaction, and filter effect. Electrostatic effects between particles and fibers are also significant.
Interception Effect: Small, light elements are able to be carried past the fiber by the airflow. If the particle‘s center gets closer to the fiber than the particle‘s diameter [Dp], it gets caught and sticks to the fiber.
The speed of the air stream has no effect on interception as long as it doesn‘t change the fiber‘s shape. The bigger the particle, the smaller the fiber and the gap between them, the more effectively interception works. Meaning: The filter media should contain lots of small fibers of the same diameter as the particle to be adhered.
Diffusion Effect: Particles below 1 µm in size don‘t follow the airflow past the fibers. They are influenced by the Brownian motion: Molecules in the air make these small particles obtain a zigzag motion. When touching the fibers they will adhere to it. The possibility that these particles attach themselves to a fiber increases with a decreasing amount of speed and decreasing particle and fiber size.
Screening Effect: Particles that are bigger than the passage between two fibers are blocked by them.
Impaction Effect: Heavier particles‘ moment of inertia is too big for them to follow the airflow running around the fiber. Those particles keep following their original path and therefore impact the fiber on it‘s air side. Inertia increases with the speed of the airflow, particle size and a decreasing fiber size.
Electrostatic Effect: Electrostatic fields are installed as plate condenser as an active filtration element. Alternatively, they can be preloaded onto the fibers of synthetic filter media. Thus, around the fibers or collectors respectivly an electric field will form, which will attract complementary charged particles. Precharged electrostatic within the fibers will abate after the filter’s initiation.
External influences may benefit or weaken this effect.
A fibre filters efficiency is depending on all these effects. There is a particle size range beteen 0,1 to 0,3 µm where, depending upon the specific filtermedia, the combination of these effects work worst. Such particles are to big for true diffusion effect but too lightweight and small to be filtered by impaction, screening or interception. This particle size is called MPPS (Most Penetrating Particle Size). High performance filters such as EPA, HEPA and ULPA filters have their efficiency stated in this particle range determining it as the absolute minimum efficiency. So particles bigger and / or smaller than MPPS are filtered with higher efficiency rates. Filters for EN779 are rated at particle size 0,4 µm because this particle size is reflecting the most given size spectrum for naturally generated particles. Nowardays the unnatural particles in smaller size generated by diesel engines etc. dominate in the overall spec.
Filtration efficiency & Classification of Filters
Due to various precipitation efficiencies and areas of application, diverse testing methods are being applied to different filter:
- Coarse Dust Filter belonging to classes EN 779 G1 - G4 are treated with synthetic dust in order to determine the level of gravimetric arrestance.
- Medium Dust Filter belonging to classes EN 779 M5 - M6 are treated with DEHS or similar types of aerosols to determine their efficiency. The average efficiency is defined by a particle count for substances 0.4 µm in size.
- Fine Dust Filter belonging to classes EN 779 F7 - F9 are treated with DEHS or similar types of aerosols to determine their efficiency. The average efficiency is defined by a particle count for substances 0.4 µm in size. There is a Minimum Efficiency (M.E.) defined that must be fulfilled under all conditions (i.e. electrostatic discharge).
- EPA, HEPA and ULPA filter belonging to classes EN 1822 E10 through U17 are classified by a level of retention efficiency called „Most Penetrating Particle Size" (MPPS) according to EN 1822. The MMPS ranges - depending on the media - between 0.1 and 0.3 µm.
Filter Class EN 779 | Average Arrestance A (%) | Example Particle
| Size |
G1 |
A < 65 |
Hair |
20 - 200 μm |
G2 |
65 < A < 80 |
G3 |
80 < A < 90 |
G4 |
90 < A |
Pollen |
10 - 100 μm |
Filter Class EN 779 | Average Efficiency(%) | Example Particle
| Size |
M5 |
40 < E < 60 |
Pollen |
10 - 100 μm |
M6 |
60 < E < 80 |
Spores |
10 - 25 μm |
F7 |
80 < E < 90 / M.E.: 35% |
Toner |
5 - 20 μm |
F8 |
90 < E < 95 / M.E.: 55 % |
F9 |
95 < E / M.E.: 70 % |
Filter Class EN 1822 | Integral Efficiency MPPS | Example Particle
| Size |
E10 |
85 < h |
Toner |
5 - 20 μm |
E11 |
95 < h |
Oilfog |
0,3 - 5 μm |
E12 |
99,5 < h |
Bacteria |
0,2 - 25 μm |
H13 |
99,95 < h |
Tobacco smoke |
0,01 - 1 μm |
H14 |
99,995 < h |
Filter Class EN 1822 | Integral Efficiency MPPS | Example Particle
| Size |
U15 |
99,9995 < h |
Tobacco smoke |
0,01 - 1 μm |
U16 |
99,99995 < h |
Virus |
0,002 - 0,05 μm |
U17 |
99,999995 < h |

Measurement Methods for Particulate Air Filters: ISO 29463 vs. ISO 14644-3
The classification of particulate air filters is primarily based on the now mostly obsolete EN 1822, except for part 1, and the nearly identical ISO 29463. Often, an additional test according to ISO 14644-3 is carried out at customer sites. The structure and type of these two test methods, and why they can lead to different results in practice, are explained below.
First, it should be noted that only EN 1822 or ISO 29463 allows for the classification of a filter element. While the leak test according to ISO 14644-3 only provides information about whether a filter is airtight or not, the tests according to the other standards allow classification into filter classes from E10 to U17.
Scan Test According to ISO 29463
- Strictly controlled conditions: The scan test according to ISO 29463 is conducted under laboratory conditions that are consistently and precisely controlled (airflow, temperature, and humidity). These stable test conditions minimize external influences and ensure high reproducibility and precision of the measurements.
- Targeted particle concentration and size: The aerosol concentration (DEHS or PSL) is precisely adjusted, typically with a particle size of 0.1 to 0.3 µm, to test the filter’s performance under the most challenging conditions. The concentration usually ranges from 10⁴ to 10⁶ particles per liter, ensuring a consistent and precise filter load. These exact settings contribute to the high measurement accuracy.
- Complete scanning of the filter surface: The scan test involves systematically scanning the entire filter surface, allowing even the smallest leaks and weak spots to be precisely located. The particle counter’s measurement head moves in a standardized pattern and at a precise speed to ensure full coverage.
- Direct measurement method: Since the filter performance is directly assessed based on the particle concentration measured behind the filter, the results are highly accurate and provide a direct indication of the filter’s efficiency and integrity.
Conclusion: The results are highly precise and reproducible, as environmental variables are practically excluded.
Leak Test According to ISO 14644-3
- Test conditions: The leak test according to ISO 14644-3 is conducted under real operating conditions in a cleanroom. Environmental factors such as airflow, temperature, and humidity can vary, making it challenging to establish constant and controlled conditions like those in a laboratory, which can affect measurement accuracy.
- Aerosol concentration: The test procedure uses a test aerosol (e.g., DEHS) with a specific particle size (approximately 0.3 µm). However, the concentration of the aerosol in the field is not as precisely and consistently set as in the manufacturer’s laboratory. This can lead to fluctuations in particle load and affect measurement accuracy.
- Indirect measurement and scan method: The leak detection is performed by systematically scanning the filter surface with a photometer or particle counter. Although this allows for a detailed inspection, the accuracy is limited because leaks are indirectly detected through the concentration difference of the aerosol before and after the filter. Unlike the scan test, the particle concentration before and behind the filter is typically not measured simultaneously. Additionally, the movements of the measurement head, the speed of the scan, and positioning can influence the accuracy.
- Variability in operating conditions: Since the procedure is conducted under real conditions, disturbances such as personnel movement, machinery activity, or temperature fluctuations can affect the measurement results. These disturbances can lead to inaccuracies, especially if the particle concentration in the room is altered by external influences.
Conclusion: The accuracy of the leak test according to ISO 14644-3 is limited by the variable field conditions and the indirect nature of the measurement. However, it provides a realistic assessment of filter performance in the actual application environment.
Summary of Accuracy Comparison
- ISO 14644-3: Provides a practical but less accurate assessment of filter performance under real conditions, where variable environmental factors and indirect measurement methods can lead to deviations.
- ISO 29463: Delivers precise, reproducible, and consistent results as the measurement is conducted under standardized laboratory conditions and the particle concentration and size are specifically controlled.
Further Challenges with the ISO 14644-3:2020-8 Revision
With the 2020-8 revision, the previously used k-factor—defining the leak penetration for each filter class in the 2006 version of the standard—has been omitted.
Instead, a simplified leak definition now applies:
• HEPA filter ≥ 99.995% (MPPS): 0.01% of the upstream concentration
• HEPA filter ≤ 99.995% and ≥ 99.95% (MPPS): 0.1% of the upstream concentration
The following table compares the old and new acceptance criteria.
Filter Class EN 1822 | PS Penetration in % (integral) | PS Penetration in % (local) | ISO 14644-3:2006-03 k-Factor | ISO 14644-3:2006-03 PI = k x PS |  | ISO 14644-3:2020-08 PI |
H13 |
0.05 |
0.25 |
10 |
0.5 |
0.1 |
H14 |
0.005 |
0.025 |
10 |
0.05 |
0.01 |
U15 |
0.0005 |
0.0025 |
30 |
0.015 |
0.01 |
U16 |
0.00005 |
0.00025 |
100 |
0.005 |
0.01 |
U17 |
0.000005 |
0.0001 |
300 |
0.0015 |
0.01 |
Taking into account the uniform treatment of all filters ≥ H14, it becomes clear that the acceptance criteria for H13/H14—comprising over 95% of all filters in GMP areas—have been tightened by a factor of five compared to the previous standard. As a result, the in-situ filter leak test requirements are stricter than the local efficiency for H13/H14 defined in EN 1822. There is no apparent objective reason for this. One might almost suspect that an attempt was made to harmonize the fundamentally different measurement results of aerosol photometers and light-scattering particle counters, which is impossible due to their differing measurement principles.
In practice, there is therefore a significant likelihood that a filter measured as leak-free under controlled conditions according to EN 1822-4 could show an apparent leak during the in-situ test because of the unfortunately chosen criteria in ISO 14644-3. Since this result cannot be reproduced on a standardized test rigf with standardized measurements per EN 1822, it also cannot be reliably ruled out in advance when measuring fully conform with both standards!